What is Bio-culture? How is it used for sewage treatment?
Bio-culture is defined as a specially formulated blend of robust microorganisms, macro and micronutrients, and bacteria that can grow at a variety of temperatures. A method of preparing a Bio-culture for sewage treatment includes the steps of supplying an aerated material derived from an aeration tank to a bioreactor and cultivating microorganisms present in the aerated material by adding a culture with a relatively long preservation time and a large number of effective microorganisms. What exactly is a Microbial culture? A Bio-culture for sewage treatment is a microbe that is added to the aeration tank to promote material breakdown and lower BOD, COD, and SS concentrations. Both a solid and a liquid formulation of Bioculture for sewage treatment are available. Enrichment culturing a microbe, inoculating the microorganism into a cereal medium, growing, hot-drying, and crushing are all methods that can be used to create a solid type microbial culture for wastewater treatment. Growing an...